Part time dba programs
Part time dba programs

part time dba programs

Because of the rigorous academic requirements, we strongly discourage any outside employment other than research with faculty and incidental grading and/or tutoring positions. Students cannot rely on part-time work to pay for any of their expenses. Research and teaching assistantships are generally included as part of a student's financial assistance package. The program provides five years of financial assistance conditioned upon reaching pre-specified academic milestones and receiving satisfactory performance evaluations.


The PhD Program provides financial assistance, including tuition, health insurance, a stipend, and a professional development grant (used to fund research-related expenses, such as attendance at academic conferences and purchase of data). If you're ready to embark on a challenging, focused, and meaningful learning experience, we invite you to explore the opportunities that our doctoral program in business or economics provides. Depending on their interests, students will then follow specialized programs of study that build extensive expertise in one of these areas.Ī small program size allows students frequent, one-on-one access to our renowned faculty. A psychology/sociology track designed for students pursuing research in consumer decision-making, organizational behavior, or strategy/international business.

part time dba programs part time dba programs

  • An economic theory/econometrics track designed for students pursuing research in economics and the quantitative areas of finance, management science, marketing science, and operations management or.
  • Entering students will first complete one of two foundational course tracks:

    Part time dba programs